There are several ways to get the image that has to be convert into an icon mosaic into the Iconifier. To know one of the different techniques, you have to know a little of the history of the app. In the first version it was only able to open PICT files. That is why the first open method is still valid only for PICT files. But, let's list them all...
1. Open PICT file
In the Iconifier, you have 2 menu items from the File menu to open graphical files. The first one is 'Get PICT file', which has as key shortcut command-O. When you select this menu item, a dialog box will pop up, which enables you to select an image in PICT-format. When you have choosen 'Open' in that window, another window will appear, which is described later, and which lets you adjust the size of the image.
2. Open other file formats
The second menu item under the File menu is called 'Get more...', key shortcut is command-shift-O. This will pop up the same dialog box, but now not only files with Mac Filetype of PICT will be shown, but all files that exist. Just open a file of the recognised file types (see list below) and folow the same procedure as before.
3. Copy-paste
A thirth way to get the pictures in the Iconifier is to copy them to the clipboard in your graphics program, and select Edit-Paste (command-V) when the Iconifier window is in front.
4. You can of course open the picture in the editor, and then transfer to the Iconifier. For more about that see the Editor section.
Recognised file types for open in the Iconifier (through Get more) :